Write Yourself a New Story

Ask yourself, “How am I feeling today?” How about yesterday? How about a week ago? Longer?

If the answer is somewhere on the “not so good” spectrum, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with chronic anxiety and depression. They may have medical problems, financial problems, or interpersonal problems.

Sound familiar? It’s okay. It’s not too late.

All of us have some agency to change our conditions. You may wake up in a sour mood or in pain, but only you can decide what to do with it. If you say to yourself, “It’s no use. I can’t change it. Nothing works. Nothing helps;” your self fulfilling prophecy will be achieved.

Acceptance of a condition is often a good way to change or shift it to be something more productive. For example, you are not a sad person, you are a person who is sad. In the case of pain, you are a person who is experiencing pain, not the pain itself. In either case, the pain or sadness is not defining of you. It is something that must be managed, and given the right conditions, it can change.

Change is the blessing and the curse of this life. Good conditions end that we wish to continue, and bad conditions continue we wish would end. All things end, good and bad. The more accepting we are of this life’s truth, the less we become trapped or defined by our physical or emotional states.

When bad or good conditions arise, remind yourself, “This too shall pass.” If you feel like it’s too late to make a change, remind yourself that all we really have is the present moment. The most healthy and wealthy person could die the next moment in a freak accident. All life is precious. All time is fleeting. If you have the opportunity to be something new, take it! The best part of every story is the ending and that’s still being written.

Photo by freestocks.org on Pexels.com

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