Finding Your Writing Voice

Writing and life have a lot in common. There are choices, challenges, and the occasional triumphs. There is writing we love to do, and other writing we do simply to be a better writer. Sometimes, the writing we care about the most about gets the least attention, but that’s life, or writing, or both.

Finding our writing voice is sort of like finding our spoken voice. There are a lot of examples out there to choose from, good and bad, virtuous and not. The voice we choose will define us as a person and a writer.

Our words transcend us. This is why the Roman poet Ovid chose to become a poet and not a lawyer. Ovid understood that words are legacy and writing is a humans only chance at immortality.

Today, as in Rome and throughout history, there are plenty of loud, provocative voices out there, deaf to their own noise. They may shine brightly for a moment, but most are lost to history. Why? Because change is inevitable, strong emotions pass, and, in their hearts, all humans seek unity and not division.

Unfortunately, a provocateur’s and demagogue’s words are like a siren’s song. Those who listen are dashed upon the rocks of their own ignorance and drowned.

So take heed fellow writers. Your voices do transform the world around you. In one line, you can inspire hope or fear, sadness or joy, compassion or hatred. Our voice, like our words, are our legacy. Choose a good one.

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  1. Pingback: Weekly Writing Updates Nov 7th 2021 | The Writings of James Agapoff

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